Linda Freeborn

Bringing you to the spot light
Linda Freeborn is a lifestyle coach and motivational speaker.She has worked with thousands of individuals and gotten to start their own home based businesses even right from the scratch.
Her vast experience of over a decade of over a decade in the Network marketing/Multi -Level Marketing industry has left her offering learning solutions and principles to help Entrepreneurs success.
Her enduring leadership capabilities enables her to work with individuals of varying backgrounds and educational qualification.
Linda Freeborn is known for empowering moms and would-be moms to enjoy joggling stay at home business, family life and personal life.
 She believes in undertaking challenges and conquering. Her philosophy is that failure is not and option as she holds the belief that a "No" is not a show stopper but a reason to hear a "Yes".
Join her in saying yes to your dreams and work with her to actualize your dreams